Echoes: Memoirs of Andre Kostelanetz is a riveting tale that begins with a hair-raising escape from Russia during the upheaval of the Bolshevik Revolution. Superbly written by collaborator Gloria Hammond, Echoes brings to life the story of this amazing conductor in his own words. The musical innovator, inveterate traveler, and romantic artist who literally put himself on the front lines to share his gift of music, engages us with stories from his outstanding career.
Available in music libraries around the country.
Andre Kostelanetz on Records and on the Air -
A Discography and Radio Log
by James H. North
Published by Scarecrow Press, Inc.
An important extra in the book is a survey of Kostelanetz's career and an evaluation of his achievements, contributed by noted radio historian Dick O'Connor. A foreword by the Archivist and Historian of the New York Philharmonic, Barbara Haws, completes this reference tool, which will be invaluable to the millions of fans who welcome the opportunity to peruse the details of one of the most beloved figures in music.
More books addressing Andre’s life and career:
The Label: The Story of Columbia Records
By Gary Marmorstein
Lily Pons: A Centennial Portrait
Edited by James A. Drake and Kristin Beall Ludecke
Sounds of War: Music in the United States during World War II
by Annegret Fauser